Home Builders, Resale builders – What is the Difference?

Home building is the act of building a home, usually referred to as a “house” when considering the people that may in the future or now live there. The word “house” itself has two meanings. First, it can refer to any structure made of the earth, such as a barn, cabin, or a row of houses on a farm. The other use of the word is more inclusive and denotes the building of homes.


As indicated above, the home building industry has experienced an increase in recent years. It is projected to experience more growth in the future as the Baby Boomers begin to age and need more permanent living arrangements. Because of this, home builders are becoming a sought-after service by many people. To be sure you are hiring the best people for the job, consider seeking a home builder online.


The home building industry offers jobs for individuals at all skill levels. Conventional housing development deals with assembling homes from various parts, including raw materials, labour and machinery. Housing developers design and build homes for sale to individuals or businesses. Land development deals with the clearing, holding, selling, and/or developing of land required for housing development. This segment requires more specialized training than most other segments of the home construction industry, so home builders employed in this field are typically those who have previous experience in conventional housing development.


Alternative housing development occurs when builders construct housing on or adjacent to existing land. This industry segment requires the same types of resources that conventional housing developers use but yields a significantly lower cost to the buyer. Builders who utilize their design vision and construction know-how benefit buyers because they offer a home with the design they envision. Buyers benefit because they obtain a home that is in keeping with their lifestyle.


There is a distinct advantage in working directly with a skilled artisan for builders interested in providing custom-designed homes to buyers. Builders can bring their dreams to life. When a builder designs a home based on a buyer’s idea, it presents the opportunity for customization. A builder can incorporate specific features and upgrades that meet the needs of the individual buyer. Builders also can work with the buyer to create a floor plan that meets their unique needs and budgets.


In summary, builders can help buyers obtain their new homes by building them to match their specifications and desires. Builders can also specialize in traditional or alternative new-home construction. New home builders have the potential to be the next generation of homeowners. With resale values set to rebound, resale builders have an opportunity to build new homes that will sell for a premium in the future. This is a win-win situation for both builders and consumers.