Office Cleaning Dandenong: How to Keep Your Office Clean and Hygienic

Office cleaning is essential for the efficient running of any workplace. Cluttered desks and appliances harbour germs that cause illness and may result in staff missing work days due to sickness.

Simply sweeping and mopping floors won’t do. To maintain effective office dust cleaning Dandenong program, it is also necessary to disinfect surfaces that people interact with every day, such as keyboards, monitors, mouse pads and phone handles. Here are the top five steps you should take for office hygiene.

Organise Your Space

office dust cleaning DandenongWhen cleaning an office space, it’s best to eliminate anything unnecessary first. It makes for easier cleanup when dealing with smaller areas. Sort items in your workspace and separate them into piles for discarding, keeping, donating or recycling. Keep a waste bin close by your desk so you can dispose of trash quickly, but make sure it can accommodate several full trash bags. Use zip ties to bundle cords together instead of leaving them scattered across your desk, and an organisational file drawer or stacking trays can help separate urgent documents from papers that don’t require immediate attention.

Once everything is back where it belongs, return everything to its proper places; stack books and papers neatly in drawers or on shelves, put furniture back where it belonged, vacuum and mop the floors, then pat yourself on the back for your hard work and celebrate by patting yourself or doing a dance to mark this victory.

Clean Every Day

Office cleaning should be conducted daily. Employees spend 8 hours daily at work, so providing them with a comfortable and conducive working environment is paramount. Being exposed to dust, dirt, grime, and unpleasant odours is hazardous to one’s health and can dramatically increase stress levels.

Daily cleaning tasks include disinfecting restrooms with disinfectants and sanitisers and refilling soap, paper towels, and toilet paper dispensers with soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. Vacuuming floors before mopping them is another essential task; emptying and lining all garbage cans and sweeping and dusting general office areas should also be performed daily.

Create an office cleaning checklist so you and your employees can stay on top of all the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to accomplish in your space. It will also inform you when certain areas need deep cleaning more often – for instance, carpets or the break room – increasing productivity while creating an enjoyable working environment for all employees.

Clean the Common Areas

Office dust cleaning Dandenong can be a challenging undertaking for any business. Beyond keeping individual workspaces hygienic, other areas in the workplace require constant sanitising – including shared food preparation areas, bathrooms and seating areas used to welcome clients into the office. Since these spaces can harbour germs and bacteria that spread harmful illnesses among employees, sanitising at the end of each day helps eliminate potential spread and potentially decrease sick days taken by staff members due to illness.

Walls in these spaces should also be regularly cleaned, as they can quickly become stained and discoloured over time. A piece of fabric dampened with an all-purpose cleaner should be used to wipe down these walls carefully, then clean ceiling fans and baseboards in this location.

Get Rid of Clutter

Avoiding clutter altogether is the key to staying on top of things. Encourage all employees to keep a tidy desk and only display necessary items for work, such as pin boards or wall pockets, to organise frequently used papers out of sight but easily accessible. In addition, set aside a specific time each week for sorting mail and important documents into file folders or bins.

If you use storage boxes, baskets or trays to organise supplies and files, it is wise to clean them out regularly. Doing this makes it much easier to spot missing or out-of-place items more quickly. In addition, any decorative wall pieces should also be dusted periodically to maintain a pleasant visual display.

Last but not least, don’t forget to clean hard-to-reach areas such as ceiling vents and the tops of bookcases using an extendable duster from top to bottom. Wipe down the insides of storage containers before dusting book bindings for outdated titles.